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Add.: No. 46, Industrial Avenue, Shipai Town, Dongguan City,Guangdong Province, China. Post code 523343

Introduction and cap styles are there?

Cap is a world army, soldiers wearing the hat. Cap all kinds of variety. Shows a soldier wearing a cap majesty and rigorous. Is a sign of the dignity of soldiers. 50-80 years of the 20th century. Chinese society is very popular liberation wearing hats.
Liberation Liberation Army canceled style hat that is the rank before and after.
Early "Cultural Revolution", in spring and autumn, popular single cap, everyone's head wearing a cap. Cap is also true and false distinction, really cap of Dacron fabric, color green, hat Jianting, which printed chapters long box, marked name, age, blood type and other fields; false regardless of color, fabrics, styles allow children to a Wang Chuan, worthless, actually feels a little soil. Also pay attention to wear a cap, hat seams should try to hold up to the top, get out in front of Yong Shounie a long time, many children in the hat inside a circle cardboard pad or newspaper, not so insufficient called "cool" . Of course, want to put the "cool" must bear a considerable risk factor, wearing a cap can easily be "flying", that is walking in the street, but after cycling hat riffraff homeopathic scratch on top of a small alley wise. Popular wearing cap, let the army compound kids shaking a few, the attendant was "flying" to worry about, hard to detect.
June 1, 1965, People's Liberation Army canceled rank system, then repealed 55 style rank clothing. PLA cadres, soldiers will be wearing a hat liberation, wearing red star cap badge. Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the cap is both a representative symbol of the revolution, but also the Red Guards, an important symbol of the rebels. Red Guards uniform clothing actually has a cap that was the young people to pursue "fashionable". "Wearing a red star, the red flag of revolution hung on both sides," that was the most popular mantra.
Dayan Mao
(1) Style: Live caps, hats stand wall: front cap increases Camber.
(2) Color: hat: yellow canopies decorated with gold flowers officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, glossy black plastic hat.
Hat Ribbon: generals is golden yellow; Captain officers and noncommissioned officers for silver; soldiers in black leather belt.
Wall cap ribbons: Army officer, non-commissioned officers for being red, dark green grass soldiers; sailors were Navy; Air Force blue.
Cap wall, the cap: the Army as a light green; the wall is a navy blue navy cap, the cap is white; Air Force blue.
(1) Style: International General beret cap, the cap left front wall of conjugated organic rust military services hat cap badge.
(2) material: Australian wool cap surface is pure lamb fleece yarn; hat in black polyester cotton cloth.
(3) Color: Army: Brown green; Navy: dark blue; the Air Force: dark blue.
Camouflage cap for training
The wall cap for the legislature cap wall, round roof fall, big hat.
Add.: No. 46, Industrial Avenue, Shipai Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China. Post code 523343 Tel:+86-769-81383718 
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